Providing Harmonisation in the Criminal Law by Way of EU Regular Progress Reports: Criminal Law Reform in Turkey

Veysel Dinler

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ISBN: 978-83-255-6839-9


Dinler, V. (2014), “Providing harmonization in the criminal law by way of EU Regular Progress Reports: Criminal law reform in Turkey”, Obywatel – państwo – społeczność międzynarodowa Citizen-state-international community, (ed. E. Cała-Wacinkiewicz, K. Flaga-Gieruszyńska, D. Wacinkiewicz.) C.H. Beck Publishing House, Warszawa, pp. 599-616.

AB İlerle Raporları Yoluyla Ceza Hukukunda Uyumlaştırma: Türkiye'de Ceza Reformu

Dinler, V. (2014), “AB İlerle Raporları Yoluyla Ceza Hukukunda Uyumlaştırma: Türkiye’de Ceza Reformu”, Yurttaş-Devlet-Uluslararası Toplum, (ed. E. Cała-Wacinkiewicz, K. Flaga-Gieruszyńska, D. Wacinkiewicz.) C.H. Beck Yayıncılık, Varşova, ss. 599-616.


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Regular Progress Reports for Turkey,


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