İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirgesinde Yönetime Katılma Hakkı ve Türkiye (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 100. İHEB’in 75. Yılında Bir Muhasebe Denemesi)

Veysel Dinler ve Ezgi Fulya Akkuş

DOİ: 10.59933/tauhfd.1411617

ISSN: 2687-3923


Dinler, Veysel ve Ezgi Fulya Akkuş, (2023), “İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirgesinde Yönetime Katılma Hakkı ve Türkiye (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 100. İHEB’in 75. Yılında Bir Muhasebe Denemesi)” Türk Alman Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 901-970.

— ÖZET — 

İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirgesi (İHEB) Birleşmiş Milletlerin (BM) kuruluşundan kısa bir süre sonra insan hakları idealini evrensel kılmak ve insan hakları ilkelerini pekiştirmek amacıyla hazırlanmış ve ilan edilmiştir. Türkiye İHEB’in yapım aşamasında da aktif rol almış ve yürürlüğe girmesinin hemen ardından, Bakanlar Kurulu kararı ile bu metni kabul etmiş ve insan hakları mevzuat ve uygulamalarında referans almıştır. İHEB’in 21. maddesinde yönetime katılma hakkı ve kamu görevine girme hakkı düzenlenmiştir. Yönetime katılmanın dar anlamı temsili demokrasinin işlemesi için seçme ve seçilme hakkının kullanılmasının yanında, bu seçimlerin nasıl olacağı ve kamu görevine girme hakkı, İHEB’in 21. maddesinde düzenlenen hususlardır.

Bu çalışmanın amacı, insan haklarının evrenselleşmesinde önemli bir aşama olan İHEB’in 21. maddesini şerh etmek ve İHEB doğrultusunda Türkiye’de yönetime katılma hakkı ve kamu görevine girme hakkını hukuki ve uygulamada yönleriyle değerlendirmektir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 100. yılında Türkiye’nin insan hakları mevzuatına ilham olan İHEB’in üzerinden 75. yıl geçmesi, bir muhasebe ihtiyacını getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada söz konusu muhasebe, yönetime katılma ve kamu görevine girme hakkı üzerinden yapılacaktır.


Yönetime katılma hakkı, Kamu hizmetine girme hakkı, İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi, Oy hakkı, Seçimler, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin yüzüncü yılı

The Right to take part in Government according to Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Türkiye (An Accounting Attempt on the 100th Anniversary of The Republic of Turkey and the 75th Anniversary of the UDHR)

Dinler, Veysel and Ezgi Fulya Akkuş, (2023), “The Right to take part in Government according to Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Türkiye (An Accounting Attempt on the 100th Anniversary of The Republic of Turkey and the 75th Anniversary of the UDHR)”  Zeitschrift für türkisch-deutsche Rechtsstudien, Jahrgang 5, Heft 2, 901-970.


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was made and declared shortly after the establishment of the United Nations in order to make the ideal of human rights universal and to reinforce the principles of human rights. Turkey also took an active role in the construction phase of the UDHR, and immediately after its entry into force, the Council of Ministers accepted this text and took it as a reference in human rights legislation and practices. Article 21 of the UDHR regulates the right to take part in the government and the right of equal access to public service. The narrow meaning of participating in government is the use of the right to elect and be elected for the functioning of representative democracy, as well as the manner in which these elections will be held and the right to enter public office are the issues regulated in Article 21 of the Declaration.

The aim of this study is to annotate Article 21 of the UDHR, which is an important stage in the universalization of human rights, and to evaluate the right to participate in government and the right to hold public office in Turkey in line with the UDHR, in legal and practical aspects. The Centenary of the Republic of Turkey and the 75th anniversary of the UDHR, which inspired Turkey’s human rights legislation, brings with it the need for accounting. In this study, we will make this accounting based on the right to take part in the government and right of equal access to public service.


right to take part in the government, right of equal access to public service, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, right to vote, Elections, Centennial of the Republic of Turkey


The year 2023 coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey and the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our Republic has left a century behind. The most ideal republics are those crowned with human rights, rule of law and democracy. Article 21 of the UDHR, declared as a human rights ideal, encourages states towards democracy by regulating the “right to take part in the government” and the “the right of equal access to public service”.

The basis of the study is the rights to participate in state administration and to hold public office, regulated in Article 21 of the UDHR. The UDHR has taken a leading role in understanding, accepting and disseminating these rights and their nature around the world. Our work is based on this leading role. Undoubtedly, this document is a result of the developments that took place before it. It is possible that these developments can be traced back to Ancient Greece. Nevertheless, the spread of the idea of human rights, which emerged in the Age of Enlightenment, through constitutionalism, forms the intellectual foundations of the UDHR. The fact that the European continent was the battel field of two world wars in the first half of the 20th century and millions of people became victims of the conflict between dictatorships were the factual basis for the creation of the UDHR.

The UDHR is a human rights ideal and highlights democracy as the ideal regime. For this reason, the right to take part in the government has been regulated and offered to the nations of the world. This right includes not only the right to vote or be elected as representatives to parliament, but also to participate directly. For this reason, the right to take part in the government should not be considered limited only to elections. The necessary freedom environment must be provided for the exercise of the right to vote and right to be elected. All participation rights, especially the right to information and freedom of expression, must be constitutionally guaranteed. Everyone should have the right of equal access to public service.

In this study, the discussions that took place during the drafting of Article 21 of the UDHR are included in detail. Thus, it is important to have information about how states envisioned right to take part in the government and the right of equal access to public service in the conditions of 1946-48. Article 21 is one of the articles that underwent the most changes during the construction process. Making detailed examinations of the construction process and knowing which state representatives put forward reservations and suggestions for changes are helpful in terms of historical and literal interpretation of the article. The final version of Article 21 is as follows:

  1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
  2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
  3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Türkiye participated in the drafting process of the UDHR. The UDHR inspired the constitute powers in the constitutions made after the UDHR. Türkiye’s first democratic election law included the principles set forth by the UDHR in 1950. Türkiye brought the right to vote and be elected to women in 1934. In this sense, we have to say that Turkey is one of the leading states in the world. There have always been no voting restrictions in Türkiye due to race or wealth. Gender discrimination was resolved in 1934. Thus, the “everyone” mentioned in the UDHR for the right to take part in the government was achieved as of 1934. The principles of free and fair elections set out in the 3rd paragraph of Article 21 were included in the election law made in 1950. The Supreme Election Council and lower-level boards have been established for the purpose of judicial supervision of elections. The universal principles of elections were constitutionally guaranteed in the constitutions made in 1961 and 1982. There cannot be much of a problem other than the fact that the election threshold in Turkish domestic law is as high as 7%. However, in recent years, elections have been a matter of controversy. It has been included in various international reports that the elections were unfair and that the current government used state power to win elections, and this created a disadvantage for the opposition. Some decisions of the Supreme Election Council are still controversial.

In exercising the right of equal access to public service, security investigations and interviews that are not related to the applied profession are criticized. However, in a democratic state, equality must be ensured in the exercise of this right and the government must cease to its partisan approach.

This study discusses whether Turkish law and practice are in accordance with the UDHR principles. It is methodologically based on an accounting of Türkiye’s democracy, especially within the scope of Article 21 of the UDHR.  As Turkey leaves a century behind in its democratic republic regime, it should internalize democracy more and determine a policy that increases the participation of its citizens.

Das Wahlrecht und Zugang zu öffentlichen Ämtern gemäß der allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte und der Türkiye (Ein Rechnungslegungsversuch anlässlich des 100. Jahrestages der Republik Türkiye und des 75. Jahrestages des AEMR)

Dinler, Veysel und Ezgi Fulya Akkuş, (2023), “Das Wahlrecht und Zugang zu öffentlichen Ämtern gemäß der allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte und der Türkiye (Ein Rechnungslegungsversuch anlässlich des 100. Jahrestages der Republik Türkiye und des 75. Jahrestages des AEMR)”  Zeitschrift für türkisch-deutsche Rechtsstudien, Jahrgang 5, Heft 2, 901-970.


Recht auf Beteiligung an der Regierung, Recht auf gleichberechtigten Zugang zum öffentlichen Dienst, Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte, Wahlrecht, Wahlen, Hundertjahrfeier der Republik Türkei


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